Located :
1225 Central Ave. #5
Mckinleyville, Ca 95519
Humboldt county
Skin Perfection is a stellar Skin Care Studio.
That provides the best and most results driven skin care in the Humboldt County, Alameda County, and Contra County.
Leave your skin in our hands our goal is to achieve Skin Perfection.
There is a fine line between facials that are too harsh, and those that provide little to no results.
We, at Skin Perfection, get it right every time. We believe that every client can have beautiful skin at any age and regardless of your history. We believe that lasting beauty comes from within and understand that whatever you put on your skin, goes into your body. We use only the finest products that penetrate deep into the cellular layers of the skin where the real change can occur, resulting in healthy skin that radiates from Within.
Call or Text (925) 301-6753
Email skinperfection@comcast.net
To schedule a consult or an appointment.
Or fill out the form to the right and we will contact you as soon as possible